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Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?


Pregvestigations are the next level transvestigations. It's when you suspect a reversed couple faking their MTF pregnancy, and the FTM is covering up their belly.

This may be more advanced than regular transvestigations, so you may need an introduction to those first. Here are my other discussions, the ones at the "uncensorable" are my backups of what was removed from GAG:


This may be a good place to start, but it's also mentioned in the discussion here:

Does Boris Johnson look like a girl and his wife like a guy?

You may want to see some older conversations

Does anyone know Justine's correct pronoun?

(Seriously) Is it strange to you how every single politician has the digit ratio of the opposite gender?


And so we know that plenty of them run around with moon bumps:

Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?

Because they claim to give birth, while walking around with big bouncing bulges:

And the following are some of the celebrities on the pregvestigation suspect list:

Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?
Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?
Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?
Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?
Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?
Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?
Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?
Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?

Here are videos that are not necessarily tutorials on how to do one, but just some sample pregvestigations:

Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?

So tell me, have you ever pregvestigated someone?

Yes I have!
Vote A
0 Girls
0 Guys
No, but I transvestigated before.
Vote B
3 Girls
2 Guys
What are you talking about?
Vote C
1 Girls
2 Guys
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The most recent transvestigation I did for another user on here: uncensorable.github.io/.../ Of course it is very cheap... a good transvestigation would dissect everything from scalp to toes, but I only do to make it obvious enough.
Have you ever pregvestigated a couple?
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